Thursday, September 1, 2011


If questions to GE&P of late are any example, lots of folks are curious as to what has happened to the effort to repeal the BC Ordinance which governs the distribution of the FILOT Funds. It would appear this effort has slipped from the front burner. Not so fast. GE&P would suggest you keep your eye on the recent Resolution connected to the South Carolina Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan. You might want to check into just how our FILOT Funds are connected.

We have to remember that DD can juggle more than one ball at the same time. The red flags go up when he makes a concerted effort to draw our attention to what his right hand is doing, SWMP. Caution: Watch that little bitty left hand.

GE&P Editorial Policy:

1. Never print anything as fact without documentation.
2. Always protect our sources.
3. Clearly indicate our personal opinions.
4. Rumors require at least 3 independent sources and are noted as such.
5. Don't release information prematurely.

Today, #5 is giving us a LOT of trouble. GE&P has been given a really delicious piece of information but, for a multitude of reasons, we have been asked not to release these facts at this time. We have the liberty to give you a hint, though. When this information comes to light, DD is going to have a fit that will make a three-year-old jealous.


Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

Oh this is SOOOO mean... it's like a 'to be continued' tv show.. I HATE those... I want to know the juicy details.. the red headed harlots, the clandestine meetings.. the money... follow the money... but I'm rambling.. I will now await the REAL story.

Anonymous said...

The "key" to DDs' failure or success is COUNTY COUNCIL!! We must continually inform and educate our Council members to do the right thing!