Monday, February 23, 2009


Let's have some fun today. We're going to try to figure out the minds of bureaucrats. We know that sounds pretty scary but let's give it a go.

The subject of this exercise is the "re-patterning" of the intersection that was once located at the old fire tower on Hwy 6 in Berkeley County. When locals would give someone directions that took them through that area, they would describe Hwy. 6 as "changing into Hwy 311". This created a straight road with stop signs for the small secondary roads that intersect at that point. If you haven't driven in that area lately, that original intersection no longer exists. It has been replaced with a "new and improved" version.

The old intersection, as you all know, was simple and straightforward. The roads were straight and level. Hwy 311/6 carried through traffic. There were stop signs at the crossroad for the Mudville Road and Ranger Drive traffic. Hwy 311/6 were and are the major highways. Mudville Road/Ranger Drive were and are small secondary roads. There was clear visibility in all directions. With a small amount of caution, as one would demonstrate at any intersection, one could negotiate any crossings or turns.

Well, Folks, GE&P has a news flash for all. It's not the old way anymore.

Some SCDOT engineer in Columbia decided those who must travel these roads needed a little challenge. He "redesigned" the intersection.

NOTE: GE&P attempted to include a sketch of the existing intersection but got all confused with the chicken scratch. In all honesty, if we had provided an aerial photo of this mess, you still couldn't get the full effect as if you were actually trying to negotiate your way through it.

Now, when you attempt to travel from Moncks Corner on Hwy. 6, at the old fire tower you will encounter a Talladega type banked curve. Then, you will come to a stop sign. If you choose to go toward Hwy. 311, you will be required to turn to the left, go down a hill, cross the distance of several lanes, and avoid the non- stop traffic coming from either direction. If you do manage to get across to the appropriate lane without getting hit, you can, then, stop at another stop sign before you turn to the right onto Hwy. 311. God help you if you encounter this mess at night in the rain. On your return trip to Moncks Corner, you simply reverse the procedure. Doesn't that sound simple?

GE&P contacted SCDOT officials to question the safety and practicality of the changes to this intersection and we really learned a lot. One official said the changes were made to "slow down the traffic on Hwy 311". Another official said the changes were made "because of the high number of fatalities that have occurred there". (No documentation was provided to support this claim) One official said the changes were made to correct the angle at which the intersecting roads came together. The most telling comment of all was that "the calls we have received about this issue are not unusual. We have found that 'rural people' take a little while to get accustomed to any changes in traffic patterns". Oh, really. Thanks a lot for telling us that. We didn't know we were that stupid.

The most chilling assessment of this new intersection was made by several troopers with the SC Highway Patrol. They described this debacle as "JOB SECURITY" for them.

Now, for the best part. GE&P has it on good authority that the cost of this project was only $4,000,000. You heard us right. You, the taxpayer shelled out $4 million so you could have the opportunity to be killed at this ridiculously dangerous intersection. And, how much of Hwy 6 from the fire tower toward Monck's Corner could have been resurfaced with this $4 million?

GE&P would like to know if SCDOT Engineering Division in Columbia has a regular drug testing program in place. If not, we would strongly suggest that one should be initiated.

Friday, February 13, 2009


GE&P has received verification from the secretary that there will be a meeting of the Berkeley County Republican Party Executive Committee on Monday evening at 7:00 PM at Eagles Landing Community Center. The chairman has indicated that he intends to distribute the precinct packets for reorganization at that time.

The fact that Monday is a holiday and part of a three day weekend should not adversely influence turnout.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Wade Arnette, Republican Party County Chairman, has told several people that there will be a meeting of the Berkeley County Republican Party Executive Committee at Eagles Landing Community Center on Monday night, February 16, 2009, at 7PM. He said the purpose of this meeting is to distribute the precinct packets for reorganization.

NOTE: Don't jump out there and attend the meeting until you get an official call from the secretary.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Did you hear the latest? It seems Mr. Herb Hayden, head of the SC Ethics Commission, placed a call to the leadership of the Berkeley County Republican Party. He wanted to remind them that they had neglected to file their quarterly financial reports, which are required by law.

Was it not just a year ago that the party leadership was fined $500 by this same Ethics Commission for neglecting to file quarterly financial reports since 2003?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Since two of the goals of GE&P are to educate and inform:
Above is the portion of the FOIA law applicable to this issue. Following are the facts of what actually happened.
correct w&s foia 2008