Thursday, January 30, 2014


Our founding fathers organized our government as they did for a good reason.  They established THREE branches to govern our new Republic, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch.  With this organization, each Branch established a "balance of power".  Each branch has the ability to "check" the power of the others.  Under this system, no one branch can have "absolute power". At least, that was the idea.  Today, not so much.

After the 2012 elections, it was revealed that the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) had targeted numerous "Conservative" organizations, prior to the elections, in order to limit the influence these organizations would have on the elections.  Being as the IRS "lives" inside the Executive Branch of government and operates under the control of same, reasonable minds asked if questionable actions taken by the IRS were at the bidding of the White house.  (These exact actions were part of the impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon.  Fortunately, at that time, we had honest patriots heading the various departments who refused to cooperate with lawless actions.) As more and more Conservative targets stepped forward and complained, public outcry increased. Congress called for a formal investigation.

This matter was referred to the DOJ (Department of Justice) headed by Eric Holder who just happens to be a hand picked supporter of the Obama administration. Previous actions and non-actions of Holder prompted concerns as to whether the DOJ would conduct an adaquate and fair investigation of this matter.  These concerns, as it turns out, were not unfounded.  Preliminary facts gleaned from a Congressional hearing yesterday are as follows:

1. Mr. Holder assigned the case to an attorney who is a major Obama donor.

2. None of the Conservative complainants were ever interviewed.

3. And, the Washington Post has now reported that the criminal portion of the investigation has been closed.

Barack Hussein Obama takes great joy in describing situations like this one with the IRS as "PHONY SCANDALS".  He says the same thing about the murder of four Americans in Benghazi.  He added the situation with the NSA spying on millions of Americans to his list.  He even had the audacity to say there is no need for concern when it comes to the negative impact of ObamaCare on American lives.  As far as the President is concerned, none of these issues are deserving of any criticism.  Reality paints a different picture.

Taken separately, each of the Obama scandals are deeply concerning by not game changing.  Taken together, however, they could change the landscape of our Republic.

1.  Since his first election, President Obama has be busy "stacking" every court at every level, up to and including the Supreme Court.  Any President who, also, has control of the courts, has created a two thirds advantage in the balance of power.  Judging from some of the recent actions and non-actions of the highest court in the land, President Obama is achieving a certain level of success in his efforts.
2.  The DOJ is ultimately responsible for enforcing the law of the land.  When this entity is led by a person whose only goal is to protect and perpetuate the ideology of the president, "a nation of law", as opposed to "a nation of men", is in jeopardy.
3.  Finally, the President is threatening to bypass the Congress and create "Law" by fiat.

The simple definition of the balance of power is easy to understand.  The Legislature writes the "Law".  The Judiciary interprets the "Law", and the Executive branch enforces the "Law".  President Obama has already bastardized much of the Judiciary by encouraging "legislation from the bench" by activist judges.  He has "his guy" heading the DOJ so he can pick and choose which Laws he wants to either enforce or ignore.  He can, also, determine which citizens he will protect and which he will throw to the wolves.

Now, the President has threatened to use "the pen and the phone" to bypass the Congress on issues he wishes to put forward. If the President is allowed to control the courts, dictate which laws are enforced, and not only set policy but write Law by Executive Order, he will have established nothing short of DICTATORSHIP.

For these reasons alone, the 2014 elections will be the most critical elections in the history of our Republic.  Never before has our country faced more disastrous threats on so many levels.  America has faced and overcome serious threats in our past but never has the actual survival of the Nation been this seriously threatened from so many fronts.  Today, the very fabric of our Republic is being destroyed one thread at a time.

If Patriots can take control of the Senate and maintain or increase control of the House, the trend toward dictatorship can be stopped in its tracks.  Even if the President persisted in his efforts,  THE PEOPLE would never allow the Executive Branch of government to ignore the wishes of the Congress which is comprised of the representatives of THE PEOPLE.  This correction needs to be achieved BEFORE the President gets the mistaken idea that the military will back his efforts toward the goal of ONE MAN RULE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on target! Fortunately, the author of the documentary "2016" released to the public in the summer of 2012 revealed most, if not all, and even more such as reduction of our military and nuclear status, of the issues you are talking about! Unfortunately, "low information" voters did didn't see it or didn't care! Now they and those of us who knew the dangers of this President are suffering now and will continue in the future. We MUST keep the House and take the Senate IF we are to have any chance to turn this nation around!