Thursday, October 24, 2013


Prior to October 1, 2013, the Conservative Republicans in the House and a precious few Conservative Republicans in the Senate unsuccessfully attempted to convince the Obama administration to postpone 
the launch of ObamaCare. The President, the Senate majority, and even some not so conservative Republicans fought these patriots at every turn in the road. The Conservative Republicans in the House put forward numerous versions of “delay” bills only to have them ignored by the Senate leadership and Harry Reid would not even bring these bills up for a vote. The Administration and the Senate Democrats thought this issue of such import that they, in essence, caused the so called “government shutdown". 

Fast forward to October 1, 2013 and the “launch” of ObamaCare. Everything that could go wrong DID go wrong, just as the Conservative Republicans predicted. Access to the site was and still is virtually impossible. Applicants who do gain access to the site either have their personal information mishandled and misdirected or receive erroneous premium quotes. Premiums are exponentially higher than advertised. Even something as simple as the calculator on this site malfunctions.

Additionally, hundreds of thousands of existing health insurance policy holders have received notices from their insurers that the policies they are happy with now do not meet the criteria of ObamaCare and these policies will be cancelled as of January 1, 2014. In the state of Florida alone, 300,000 people received these termination letters. This element of the scandal is in its genesis so the number of those affected is growing daily.

For almost two years, that mean old “radical” group in the House and the few in the Senate that represents the dreaded Tea Party have warned of these consequences of ObamaCare. Their warnings have been ridiculed by the Left as being “racist”. These Patriots have been accused of everything from “wanting to starve children” to wanting to “throw granny off the cliff”. These Patriots have been attacked in every scurrilous manner imaginable. The American people they represent have been equally maligned.

As long as the reality of ObamaCare was a thing of the future, the Left could ignore the facts. But, now ObamaCare is a living, breathing entity upon which even the alphabet media can no longer cast a blind eye. The earth is no longer flat and the moon is no longer made of green cheese. It is now apparent to all that ObamaCare is a colossal failure. More importantly for the Conservatives, as it stands now, the Left is the exclusive owner of this disaster.

The record clearly shows that the Conservative Republicans did their level best to warn America of the oncoming train wreck. These Patriots went so far as to put their careers and reputations on the line to save the country from this disaster. To put it bluntly, to protect this country from ObamaCare, the Tea Party representation in DC did everything except stand in from of an actual firing squad organized by the Left. Wouldn't one think, as the 2014s creep ever closer, the Right would recognize the gift that has been given to them?

Obviously not. Already, Marco Rubio has foolishly introduced a bill in the Senate to postpone ObamaCare for a year. This move deserves no other descriptive adjective short of “STUPID” because the success of this bill would give the Left an exit strategy. Why can't the Right be smart enough to just stand there with their mouths CLOSED. Let the disaster roll on for a couple more weeks till the Left can no longer stand the heat. THEN, when the Left proposes a bill to postpone this debacle, the Right can successfully ask questions like, ”We agree that this law is a complete disaster but please tell us exactly what has changed since you shut the government down three weeks ago to prevent a delay?” and “Did not the warnings from the vicious, radical, 'Tea Party' Republicans in both the House and the Senate, outlining the reality of this law, fall on deaf ears before the shutdown?”. The possibilities are endless. With ammunition like this, it is more than conceivable the Conservative Republicans could sweep the 2014 elections. Not only could they unseat the Democrats up for reelection but they could purge the party of the squishy, unreliable “so called” Republicans who failed to support the Conservatives on this and other issues.

Considering the fact that the main street media and the public are turning against the law and the record clearly shows the Conservative Republicans were correct in their assessment of the law, it's not a stretch for the rational mind to think that EVERY Democrat (and the not so conservative Republican) incumbent who supported the rollout of ObamaCare could face a rather dubious reelection effort.

We are all cognizant of the “career politics” system. The Republicans(?) who either failed to support the Conservatives, or actually worked against them, must feel rather uneasy at this point. And they should. As it stands now, if the Democrats fail in their reelection attempts in 2014, so do these Republicans(?). Now, we should all be on the alert for sabotage moves, initiated by the so called Republicans who actively vilified the Tea Party groups in the House and the Senate.

Any attempt to nullify the advantage now held by the true Conservative Republicans, by offering a Republican(?) bill, should be resisted at every opportunity. This country is at a tipping point on so many levels. Allowing a few career politicians, no matter which party, to preserve their positions by removing an advantage from statesmen who wish to preserve the Republic by disallowing this administration to continue its policy insanity, is totally unacceptable.

I urge every true Conservative Republican to expose any such effort AND the Republican(?) who puts it forward. Reject any Republican(?) bill that will remove accountability from the Left. Make this a PUBLIC strategy. Take the “Republicans want SS to whither on the vine” page from the Democrats' play book. During every TV or radio interview, stress that the Conservatives were correct about ObamaCare and the Left was dead WRONG. Drive it in the ground and break it off. Our Republic is at stake and our Republic must be preserved even at the peril of a few political careers.

UPDATE:  NJ just announced that an estimated 800,000 people will receive cancellation letters from their insurance carriers next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Situation described very well! The Obamma officials (employees) called before the various congressional committees are doing a very good job of revealing the corrupt thinking and political philosophy of both the Republican and Democratic "right"! The problem, as usual, is that the "low information" public will not care to watch the drilling! Obviously, the "low information" public will have to personally "feel" the "pain" before they realize what happened to them! I think they deserve NO medication!