Monday, October 10, 2011


Today GE&P received a call back from Mr. Dan Brown, reporter for the Berkeley Independent. We discussed his article from last week's paper and Mr. Brown acknowledged that his statement about the "County being in violation of the Clean Water Act" was in error. He, also, agreed to review the DEHEC document that we have supporting our position on the SWMP. Mr. Brown said that he intends to investigate the issue and write a followup article.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Hope he follows through and additional media pick up on it. This may be the start of something good.

Gerg.Smada said...

Well done Mr Brown. All we ever asked for was to read the documentation with an open mind. The truth has no agenda.

Gerg.Smada said...

The truth has no agenda. Thank you Mr Brown.

Anonymous said...

Well this is cause for hope!

Anonymous said...

Close but still not a winner. A funding source is already in place, it's called the general fund. The same fund they have been using all
along to remain current with all previous permits. What will be so different in the new permit that will require 1.4 million. They can't answer that simple question.