Friday, March 5, 2010


GE&P operates this site on a "Comment Moderation" system. All comments arrive on the "work" page for review before they are published. The only restriction we have is that comments may not contain any lewd or profane language. Otherwise, every comment, positive or negative to the post, is published as it is received. We do not edit for content.

Also, GE&P had no idea there were so many people in BC named "Anonymous".


Anonymous said...

What is the difference in "anonymous" and "nosy woman from Cross"? That seems petty. We can all make up names, use anonymous, or we can all use our real names and put all of our cards on the table!

Anonymous said...

You don't even identify yourself in your profile. "Anonymous" is much simpler than "nosy woman from Cross" don't you think? Or maybe you would prefer "anonymous from Moncks Corner - or Berkeley County" - sorry, but I don't see the difference.

Nosy Woman from Cross said...

Since you must be the only person on the planet who doesn't know who pens this blog, we'll satisfy your curiosity and direct you to the comments on "2010 Report to the Citizens of BC". Glad to have you aboard.