When are the folks going to face the fact that the Federal Government can't run a lemonade stand? Everything the Feds put their hands on, goes south in a flash. Look at AmTrak, Medicare, Medicaid, the Post Office. How much proof do we need?
Some of the Stimulus money went to the cash strapped states to support their "programs" and maintain some essential functions. What's going to happen when January 2011 arrives and this money runs out?
This week, Congress approved another "Jobs Bill". All this did was to extend unemployment benefits. It didn't create one single job. As long as this "free money" is available, many will choose to remain unemployed. From personal experience, we have found the only time we couldn't find a job was when we didn't want one. Maybe we couldn't find the job we wanted but we could always find some kind of work.
Here's a wild idea. Let's rewind to February 2010. Mr. Obama announces that ALL payroll withholding is suspended for 18 months. Capital Gains tax is abolished. All corporate tax is hereby cut to 5% till further notice. Over this timeframe, the Feds would have lost less revenue than the amount they have borrowed and spent on failed "Initiatives". The economy would have taken off like a sky rocket by now but we all know that wouldn't accomplish this president's goal, the redistribution of wealth.
During the Reagan administration, it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, if taxes are reduced, revenue increases. Even the stupidest taxpayer knows you cannot spend your way out of bankruptcy. If the government would just lighten the tax burden on the folks who create jobs, these companies would hire workers. Instead of realizing that no one gets a job from a guy who lives in a dumpster, this administration keeps funneling money we don't have toward the bottom of the food chain. All this philosophy accomplishes is prolonging the inevitable which, at this point, is the total collapse of our economy.
And then comes Cap and Trade and National Healthcare. Talk about the final nails in the coffin.
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