Friday, March 5, 2010


For the past few weeks, the Berkeley County political scene can only be described as a major roller coaster event. Initially, informal polls indicated the present Supervisor was in serious jeopardy of being unseated, should he seek reelection. At that point, the Republican Primary for Supervisor was going to be a four way race. Then, word spread that one of the three challengers was having difficulty raising funds, so he was planning to drop out of the race. That would have left the incumbent and two challengers. One of these challengers was conspicuously ahead in the polls.

Discontent with the existing Supervisor had grown to a crescendo over the past year. County employees were incensed upon learning their take home pay had shrunk while, during the same time period, the salaries of elected officials and 'special' employees had markedly increased. The "money people" in the County were unhappy about the lack of economic development. The regular taxpayers were angry about their taxes being raised because of the 29% of the one cent sales tax being removed from their tax relief. Water and sewer customers were angry about the 30% rate increase when so much money was being wasted on political buy offs in the form of unneeded water lines.

The political scene was in a state of flux but that's pretty normal for Berkeley County. Even with all the controversy, the situation was manageable. That was when the major seismic event struck. Rep. Henry Brown sent up a trial balloon that he was going to run for BC Supervisor. That really set the tongues to wagging. Rumors flew. Many, including GE&P, complained that Rep. Brown bringing his considerable war chest to a county race did not create a level playing field. Everyone had a theory as to why this was happening.

One group was certain Henry was just threatening to run to scare off the present Supervisor's challengers. Another group opined that Henry just couldn't give up the center stage even though he was faced with certain defeat should he run for reelection to the House. Still another group was positive a deal had been struck between Henry and the existing Supervisor. According to this third theory, since it was obvious the existing Supervisor was going to lose, Henry would run and, with the certainty of his $750,000 war chest, win. Then Henry would hire the existing Supervisor to a controlling position in the new administration. Everyone had an opinion.

This week, many of these opinionated people approached Henry for assurances that none of these theories were in fact true. Henry assured each in turn that all of these contentions were just conjecture and contained no truth. He stated that he was running because of his love of Berkeley County and his desire to serve. During several of these exchanges, he went into great detail as to his intentions should he be elected. Being as Henry's many years of public service have garnered him a reputation of integrity and good character, his assurances quelled most of the rumors and suspicions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The matter of Dan Davis was addressed with Henry after the meeting because he did not give a definite answer. Things are as he said. If he is elected, it will be his adminstration. It will not include Davis. Because Davis was/is - who knows now - a friend. Henry didn't want to seem like he was "beating him up".

After the announcement, when this matter of concern was addressed with Henry, he realized he should have answered more directly and began to seek any lingering press. He found a reporter still lingering around, whom I believe was there from the P&C, and attempted to correct the fact that he didn't give a "yes" or "no" answer. His answer to the reporter was "no", Davis would not be included in his administration if he were to be elected.

Henry was simply trying to be a gentleman and not attempt to make his friendship with Davis anymore compromised by his announcement.

Henry is not running against Davis - he is running for the office. Remember, when Ketner opposed him and slung all of the mud she could find, that amounted to a fire involving the National Forestry Service, there were plenty of things we all know he could have used against her, but he chose to take the high road. If elected, Henry will be running this administration - no one else, and no previous supervisors will be included amongst his employment or on the County's payroll in any way. I regret, as he does, there was a "question" left in the minds of some people after his announcement today.

Please be assured he will do the right thing and protect the people of this County in everyway he can and also protect their interests in every way possible. I hate the confusion, when finally, everyone seemed to be on the same page. Please pay close attention to Henry and discuss any concerns you may have with him directly. He is more than glad to talk to the people he serves, or may have the opportunity to serve, and welcomes their concerns and questions.