Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Liberals have become so predictable till they are almost no fun anymore. GE&P has been waiting for this to start and, sure enough, we weren't disappointed. Now, every Liberal who appears on every news show is screaming, "The Tea Party people are a bunch of RACISTS". This revelation must come as quite a shock to folks like, say, Tim Scott.

Take heart Tea Party people and other such constitutional patriots, when Liberals progress to this phase, it means they are beginning to panic. Up until now, Liberals have confined themselves to arguing their position, however flawed. Obviously, this time this tact is not working with the American people, so the Liberals have to pull out their old standby, racism.

At this point in our history, this attempt by Liberals will be a resounding failure because, for the first time, there are large numbers of well known Black leaders voicing their opposition to the Liberal agenda. Also, at most Tea Party events, there is a proportional number of non white attendees. The careless use of the famous "R" word is not having the impact it once did.

In case you didn't know, when Sarah used a "cross hair" symbol on a map to indicate vulnerable Democrat congressmen, Liberals accused her of inciting violence. When she used the term "targeted races" Liberals accused her of inciting violence. After the Conservatives failed to stop Obamacare, Sarah said it was time to "reload". That, according to the Liberals, was inciting violence, too. But, it was perfectly acceptable a few years ago for Liberals to make a movie about the assassination of a seated President, Bush. It was perfectly acceptable to call Sarah, W, and Cheney every derogatory and inflammatory name in the book.

Inside the Liberal mind would be a scary place to be.

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