Over the last few weeks, County Councilman and BC Republican Party Chairman, Tim Callanan has been the victim of the most scurrilous gossip and unfounded accusations. Fellow Councilman, Bob Call went so far as to level a formal complaint against Mr. Callanan with the BC Sheriff's Department. Mr. Callanan was forced to endure the inconvenience and embarrassment of an interview with the FBI on the subject. Mr. Callanan had to pocket the expense of retaining an attorney. Most egregious of all, Mr. Callanan had to stand by and watch as his good name was slandered on Face Book.
This organized campaign to discredit Mr. Callanan ended with yet another whisper. The Sheriff determined all the charges to be without merit. The FBI found all the charges to be without merit. As all Mr. Callanan's friends and supporters knew from the start, Mr. Callanan was totally innocent of any wrong doing. But, now the damage is done. This honest and respected man has been falsely accused.
Monday night at the County Council meeting, the day before an article on this issue came out on the front page of The Berkeley Independent, Mr. Call approached Mr. Callanan with a lame request that they work together to stop all the controversy. GE&P has a few more questions.
Mr. Call, don't you think this initiative is too little, too late?
Mr. Call, do you plan to request that the Sheriff's office and the FBI issue a formal statement that your charges were false and vindictive?
Mr. Call, will you insist that Mr. Bailey pass out a flyer at the next BC Republican Breakfast announcing that Mr. Callanan wasn't guilty of any infraction toward you?
Mr. Call, will you insist that Mr. Bailey recant his negative statements about Mr. Callanan on his FB page?
Mr. Call, will you go back to the Berkeley Independent and correct the statements contained in your interview? Will you insist they place another story on the front page that your charges were unfounded?
Here is a question the Berkeley Independent failed to ask. "Mr. Call, when a constituent of yours began inquiring about a fellow councilman's employment status, why did you not just refer that person to Mr. Callanan directly to get the facts?" The next question should have been, "why was it important to you to repeatedly call Mr. Callanan's employer and enquire about his employment status".
There is another reference Mr. Call made to "us". Who is Mr. Call's benefactor?
Who is gullable enough to believe that this is Mr. Call's first time? Mr. Call has a history,(read: track record) with fueling contentious situations for his own entertainment. Word I hear is that he's been like this for a long time. Why doesn't anybody stop this man? Is there nobody who can put an end to his ridiculous behavior?
has Bob gathered any feathers?
By the way...if you don't like the comment...do you post? Or as you as one way and conniving as the rest?
You are just as ridiculous as the rest. I have been watching from the sidelines for a long time now. I am almost embarassed to call myself a Republican because of the behavior of many key members of the Republican party in Berkeley County government as well as the County GOP membership. It is pathetic watching all of this, as a citizen I am truly outraged and disgusted. All you do is go at each other and rally up your troops to act ugly. I have witnessed it all around. I have not dared to come to any meetings of the BCGOP this year because of the ridiculousness involved last year. If we aren't with you, then we are apparently against you? Truly an ugly theme, but one that is representative of this party. This is a time that all Republicans should be uniting to fight for our freedoms, preserve the Republic & work as hard as we can to get Congress back. This has to start at the local level. The local level is beginning to look like a joke. As a military veteran, spouse, parent 7 citizen...I am disgusted & think we need change all around! All of the narcissists need to step down!
As you can see, we post every comment as long as there is no profanity or slander involved. As a side bar: Anonymous, your vocabulary gives you away. You might as well have gone ahead and signed your name.
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