Tuesday, April 20, 2010


GE&P is so pleased that the Federal Government is planning to dictate how much salt we are going to be allowed to have in our food. Our only question: How do you make a pickle without salt? How about our all time favorite winter snack, boiled peanuts? Have you ever tried a french fry without salt? We think we'll pass on this healthy hint and stash some contraband salt in our toilet tank.

A new national poll came out today. It seems that 47% of the American people now have a favorable opinion of the IRS. Is it just a coincidence that today 47% of the American people pay NO income taxes? Could there possibly be a connection here?

Great news from Europe. The EU has determined that leisure time and vacations are a human right. Over there, as in America, the productive citizens are already providing food, shelter, housing, and medical care for all their bums. Now, they are going to be expected to provide the bums with free vacation trips. We can hardly wait for this program to be initiated here in the good old USA.

Are we the only ones who believe this world is going 'round the bend?

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