Friday, February 26, 2010


It has started already. How many of you received this recorded call:

"Hello, we are conducting a political survey. We would like to ask you three questions.

First question: Do you think Obama is doing a good job in Washington or do you think Obama is doing a terrible job in Washington?

If you think he is doing a good job, press 1. If you think he is doing a terrible job, press 2."

We pressed a resounding 2.

"The second question concerns the race for BC Supervisor. There are three candidates running, Minnie Blackwell, Gene Woods, and Dan Davis. If the election was held today, which of these three would you vote for? Minnie Blackwell, press 1, Gene Woods, press 2, or Dan Davis, press 3. If you are undecided, press 0."

We paused a moment to reflect on the fact that the name of the fourth candidate, (and we might add most popular) SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER TERRY HARDESTY was not included in the list. Due to our hesitation, the message began to repeat.

We decided to see if our suspicions were correct so we chose 0. Sure enough, the called was immediately terminated. We didn't get to find out what the third question was.

Just in case you don't know how this works, allow us to explain. In the race for Supervisor, there are, in reality, only two viable candidates. When a candidate (incumbent or not) suspects an opponent is running ahead in popularity, a poll is conducted but the name of the suspected leader is omitted. Then, when the results come in, the candidate who conducted the poll makes a big deal of the results. Listen closely and watch the P&C and you'll learn the creator of this poll.

We have heard that Mr. Rod Shealy will manage Mr. Davis' campaign again this time. If this turns out to be true, we can expect all kinds of interesting developments. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, who is getting the votes?.....