With all that has happened in the last few months, it is very difficult to discuss any one issue alone. Just as soon as you begin, some other facts and events that may have influenced your original topic, invade the conversation. As Lulu, our childhood governess, was inclined to say, "This is a can of worm, one worm." (you had to be there) We digress.
In this offering, we would like to concentrate on two events that occurred on January 6, 2021: The President's rally speech and the violence at the Capital building. First, we will present the facts supported by video we viewed, official statements, and news reports, then, you knew you couldn't escape it, our opinion based on these facts will follow. Important note: we cannot post this info that takes you to another site (hence, the flag) or we will have our rears handed to us. You are left to do your own research.
Before we proceed, it goes without saying that all Americans, including us, condemn violence in any form. We condemned the violence that occurred all across America last summer and we condemn the violence that occurred at the Capital last week. The only question left to be answered is Who Perpetrated The Violence Last Week?
11:00 AM Crowds had already gathered in front of and around the Capitol building.
12:00 Noon The President began his rally speech.
01:11 PM The President concluded his remarks and left the area.
01:15 PM The initial breach of the Capitol occurred.
The Ellipse, where the President's speech took place is about 1 1/2 miles from the Capitol.
Walking from one location to the other takes between 30 to 40 minutes without congestion.
On January 6, 2021, the streets and sidewalks between these locations were packed with hundreds of thousands of people.
Cell service was a disaster on that day. Due to the large numbers of people in the area, cell service was disrupted. Accomplishing a simple cell call was extremely difficult and live streaming the President's speech to the people in the Capitol area was impossible, according to witnesses.
The CP Chief was repeatedly warned by various officials and law enforcement agencies that there may be trouble on this day.
The CP Chief repeatedly asked to request assistance from various other law enforcement agencies but was refused permission.
Various news outlets stated that no CP officers were killed in the riot; one died of a stroke and one died of suicide.
Numerous CP officers opened barricades and doors and WAVED protesters through and into the Capitol building.
Numerous CP officers stood quietly against the walls of halls and allowed protesters to walk through. Some CP officers are on video chatting with the protesters inside the Capitol building.
Although FB, Twitter, and Youtube were already actively censoring posts and videos in support of the President's assertion of election fraud, posts and advertisements promoting the January 6, 2021 rally in DC were not removed; were not flagged; were not restricted in any way.
The House of Representatives has issued articles of impeachment on the President for inciting insurrection.
The preceding information is FACT. It is not opinion. It is not conjecture. It is supported by print articles, TV newscasts, and video tape.
Now the worm turns. After a full week of reading the reports, reading the documents, and viewing the videos, do we have an opinion? You bet the farm we do.
When an event is as large as the January 6, 2021 rally obviously was, it is absolutely impossible for any of the organizers to control who attends. It is impossible for anyone, including the President, to know if individuals with a contrary agenda have infiltrated the crowd. No one is responsible for the individual behavior of the attendees except the individuals themselves. To blame the President and his words for the chaos at the Capitol is absurd. In the first place, those listening to his speech could not physically attend the speech and be at the Capitol at the same point in time when the breach initiated. Who among you believes the thousands of those who attended the rally speech in front of the WH could have made their way to the Capitol, through the thousands crowding the streets and sidewalks between the two locations, in a few minutes? Even if these thousands could have found a way to violate the laws of physics, nothing the President said can be construed as inciting a riot. Now we will address the activity we observed in the many videos of the "riot" as it was unfolding and during the following week.
The first video we viewed depicted a rather large crowd of obvious Trump supporters on a veranda of the Capitol building. Most of the people waved flags. They were cheering but just standing there. One man who was close to the building was dressed differently from the others. He climbed up on something not visible from the angle of the filming. He had some kind of instrument in his hand (similar to a pipe or rod) and began pounding on the glass transom above the doors. A woman in the crowd, closer to the camera, started yelling for someone to stop the man, accusing him of being ANTIFA. In about 15 seconds, two other men in the crowd pulled him down and started talking to him rather aggressively. This group would have numbered at least 100 people. The clip ended there.
The next video we saw was supposedly a "live feed" from inside the Capitol in Statuary Hall. There were two velvet ropes arranged straight across the center of the room forming a walking path, similar to those in museums. This path allows visitors to view the room and its contents without them being able to come in contact with displays or statues. All through this clip there were numerous people, obviously Trump supporters, walking through the room. ALL were inside the velvet ropes, walking slowly, and looking around as if they had never seen the room before. No one was running; no one was breaking anything; no one was, in any way, disorderly. All totaled, maybe 75 people walked through, turned around, and walked back out. After maybe 2 minutes, the clip ended.
The next clip was in another room we did not recognize. The room was large with a stone floor. There was a line of CP officers across the center of the room and a group of young men in front of them. There was pushing and shoving; obviously a confrontation. In this scene, there were more CP officers than there were civilians. Those confronting the CP officers numbered about half of a dozen, possibly 7.
In one video recorded in a hallway, several young men (no more than 4) were engaged in a confrontation with CP officers. The most noteworthy thing about this scene was that the other people in the hallway were doing their best to extricate themselves from the situation. They were not engaging; they were just trying to escape. People in this group were trying to shield the person next to them and get out of the area.This clip lasted maybe 30 seconds.
We watched clip after clip that seemed to us to depict people who realized too late that they were in a situation they did not intend. It appeared that some involved, a very small minority, knew exactly what they were doing.
Later, we saw a video that showed a group of people, again obvious members of the rally, standing behind a "bike rack" barrier. If their intent was to storm the Capitol, it would have taken no great effort to just step over the barrier but they didn't. These 100 or so people were just standing behind it looking at the Capitol which was about 20 yards away. At that point, a CP officer walked to the barrier from the direction of the building, picked up one end of a section of barrier, and swung it open. He stepped aside and literally waved the people through. We saw a similar video taken in front of the building where two CP officers did the same thing, removing two sections of barrier and waving the people through.
In two other clips, one taken from INSIDE the building, we saw CP officers unlock and open the outside doors to allow people to enter. The CP officers stepped back to allow the people to pass. More than once, a person coming in stopped and spoke at length with a CP officer. There was no pushing or shoving. There was no hostility to the CP officers. It all appeared like business as usual. Another video that appeared to have been taken in the same area of the same group, depicted the group of people going down the hallway with CP officers standing against the walls on either side. The people were speaking to the officers and the officers were speaking back. No one was angry or yelling or in any way displaying hostility. The officers did not seem to be concerned or upset in the least.
During the week after the Jan 6th event, we saw more video of violence. We saw still photographs of individual people doing really bad stuff. We saw a few people on the House floor and in some of the offices. We watched carefully and COUNTED carefully. In every case, we saw large groups of obvious Trump supporters either standing or walking or trying desperately to get the hell out of there. In every case, the people doing the damage were few in number. From reports posted on line by people who were actually there, this was the case.
Now, let us ask a few questions and don't forget to use your common sense and deductive reasoning.
If, in ANY situation, you find your self standing behind a barricade and a police office moves the barricade and waves you through, would you anticipate any problem with doing so?
If, in ANY situation, you find yourself standing outside the door of a government building and a police officer opens the door and waves you in, would you see any reason why you should not do so?
If there is an actual INSURGENCY in progress, not to mention a RIOT, can you think of any reason why the police would invite onto the scene more of the people supposedly involved in the crime?
Now, let's put together what we know about this event and what we know about the recent past.
Suppose for a moment you are a back stabbing, low bred, conniving, underhanded, mouth breathing, dishonest, unscrupulous, Janus faced, duplicitous, indecorous, unscrupulous person on the far Left. For over four years, you have desperately attempted to discredit and destroy your primary enemy. Every attempt, no matter how well planned, has fallen flat on its face. Your time is running out. Your remaining opportunities to succeed are few. You have to do something to distract attention from a really big illegal issue in which you are involved. You must do something. Then, you remember. You have friends who are very good at organizing very bad things. You know, thanks to other supporters, (media) these friends have remained faceless and nameless. Your enemy has thousands of people in town supporting him. No one will notice your friends. So, you hatch one last plan. Why not have your friends infiltrate your enemy's crowd, find some useful idiots to go along, and, then, have your friends do something REALLY bad? Then, you could blame it on your enemy. Then, everyone would focus their attention on the really bad thing your enemy did and they wouldn't focus on you and what you've done.
Unfortunately, once again, the plan didn't develop as intended. There weren't as many of your friends (or useful idiots) as you had anticipated and the optics were not as spectacular as your plan demanded. You needed more warm bodies to achieve the desired results. What do you do? Well, DAAAAA, you get someone to go outside and get some more people. Take down the barriers; open the doors; allow as many people as possible to fill the building. Presto, now you could use words like "MOB", "INSURRECTION", and "RIOT".
Not only did you get the focus off what you and the rest of the far Left (see defining adjectives in previous paragraph) have done, you have created an issue that, with the help of your supporters, (media) can influence whichever other issues you may choose. The possibilities are endless. You not only convinced everyone that DC is in a state of eminent peril, you have spread this insanity throughout the Nation. This issue is the main topic of discussion and, of course, the gravity, intensity, and severity of the situation expands and becomes more dire with each telling. See how well a plan can work when you get a bunch of the (see defining adjectives in previous paragraph) far Left joining forces with their supporters (media) ? Last year, you convinced half the Nation that a bunch of anarchist burning down whole city centers, looting stores, destroying businesses and livelihoods, shooting policemen, assaulting innocent citizens, establishing "independent countries" within US cities, and killing dozens of people are, in fact, a group of marginalized innocents seeking their voice. Why couldn't you convince the same people that a group of 75 million Patriots are, in fact, anarchists?
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