Sunday, February 9, 2014


The Speaker of the House has changed his mind about cooperating with the President by introducing a Comprehensive Immigration Bill this year. The Speaker said, "I can't introduce this legislation until I know I can trust the President to enforce the law as it is written and passed."

How many applicable responses can we list?

"The Twelfth of Never"

"When Pigs Fly"

The President explained this week how ObamaCare could be made to work better:
I am working full time, even more than 40 hours, in order to afford health care insurance.  After subtracting these costs, I am left with X amount of disposable income.  I can quit that job and take another route.  I could get a part time job making much less money and qualify for subsidized health care insurance paid for by the taxpayer.  Without the expense of health care insurance, I end up with the same amount of disposable income. I work fewer hours, leaving more leisure time, and I still have health care insurance.

The one important question the President left unanswered was "If everyone follows this path, where will we get the funds for all the subsidies?  Looks to us like he is making every effort to prove Margaret Thatcher correct.

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