Sunday, January 26, 2014



Sir, numerous times during your tenure as president, you have blamed Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, and Conservatives in general for your failure to convince 100% of Americans that you are leading the country in the right direction.  You are correct that only your minions are buying what you are selling but you are wrong as to the reason behind this result.  Being as we here at Grits Eggs and Politics pride ourselves on being Patriots who wish to help where help is needed, we would like to remove your confusion by offering you the following information and clarification.

1. You do NOT have a communication problem.
2. This is NOT the fault of Fox News.
3. This is NOT the fault of Rush Limbaugh.
4. This is NOT the fault of the Tea Party.
5. This is NOT the fault of any Conservative.

Sir, with all due respect, your problem lies exclusively at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama. Thinking people (all non-Progressives) see your policies for what they are and  they want no part of them.  In your efforts to "fundamentally change America", you are violating the basic premises of our Constitution so all true Patriots reject your policies. It is as simple as that.

But we must add that we thank God Almighty that you are the President and that you are following the course you are following.  For over 100 years, Liberals/Progressives have been pursuing the same agenda as you only at a more incremental pace.  Many of us hardly even noticed as our country proceeded to go to hell in a hatbox.  Then came you.  You were not patient.  You wanted it all NOW. You took the big bite out of the apple and everyone noticed.  Your Socialist programs and policies slapped everyone right in the face and America woke up to reality.

Now, you are seeing the beginnings of the big push-back. And, Sir, you haven't seen anything yet.  The inconsequential voters living in fly-over country are now awake. Those who generally don't pay very much attention to what goes on in DC are getting focused.  They are angry that your Socialism is starting to negatively effect their lives. They are taking a page out of your book and they are organizing.  They are vetting candidates.  They are comparing voting records.  They are registering to vote.  AND, your party and supporters are painted into a corner from which there is no escape.  So the chips will fall where they may.  Have a Happy November.