Friday, November 15, 2013


It seems our parents were correct when they said, "If you wait long enough, the truth will out."

Last night on Fox News, one of the co-authors of ObamaCare, a Harvard (I'm MUCH smarter than you) professor admitted, under pressure, a few morsels of truth.

1. The drafters of the ACA knew the destruction of the private insurance market was part of the law from the start.
2.  Moving "customers" from the private market to the exchanges is mandatory for the success of the ACA.
3.  Even with the miserably low numbers who have signed up, 90% are either the "very sick" or eligible for "free" care.  Both are an unsustainable financial drain on the system.
4. Young, healthy "customers" are staying away in droves.
5.  The one year delay "fix" the president announced yesterday will have to turn the situation around within that year or the entire plan will fail.
6.  With only the "very sick" and those who will be paying nothing signed up in the exchanges, unanticipated "contributions" to the plan will be necessary for this first year.  He, finally, admitted that this meant the federal government would be obliged to not only subsidize the cost of the care provided by the exchanges but, also, reimburse the insurance companies for their losses. In case you don't know, the federal government gets its funding for US, the taxpayers.

So, the picture of Obama's plan is very clear and simple:  Obama designed a plan knowing at least 5 MILLION Americans would lose their health coverage right out of the chute.  When these 5 MILLION Americans lost their health coverage and complained, Obama declared they could keep their coverage, even though it is virtually impossible for the insurance companies to reverse this colossus within the time frame, if at all.  As a pleasant side affect, these same 5 MILLION taxpayers have the pleasure of subsidizing the negative results of the plan that cannot be reversed.

Folks, we couldn't make this stuff up if we tried.  And, we couldn't find a better example of the failure of Socialism.  The policy holders lose.  The taxpayers lose.  The insurance companies lose.  The economy loses.  And the greatest irony of all, even Socialism loses because over half of the country have had their eyes opened to the deceit and incompetence of our leadership.  There is no way for this mess to go but further downhill.  THANK GOD.

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