Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It is common knowledge that DD has a vested interest in keeping Bob Call on County Council.  DD did his best to assure Call would win the Republican Primary.  He called in every favor to secure donations to the Call campaign.  When the voters of District 3 soundly rejected Call, DD's shock was palpable.  Being as Call had bungled the election so badly, it was time for DD to take things into his own hands.  It was time to sue; sue anybody, anywhere, any time.

Call (DD) sued the SCGOP, the BCGOP, the SC Election Commission, the BC Voter Registration (aka Election Commission), the BCRP Chairman, and the winner of the District 3 GOP Primary, Ken Gunn.

GE&P has spoken to scores of people directly connected to this situation.  The information we have received is shocking and as flabbergasting as it could get.  Since we have received this disturbing information from multiple sources, we have some questions for DD:

Did DD actually approach one Election Commission, personally, about getting the winner of the Republican Primary decertified, only to be told it was none of his business?

Did DD usurp the authority of the BC Election Commission by having someone in his administration hire an attorney for that defendant?

Who gave the instructions to the BC Election Commission's attorney and what were those instructions?

When, at the hearing (which looked like a lawyers' convention), a Motion To Dismiss was introduced by the attorney for the SC Election Commission, did one attorney for the defense really argue AGAINST it?  Anybody want to venture a guess as to which one?

And, last but certainly not least:

Why is DD so desperate?  Why is this tie vote so imperative?  What grizzly specter is lurking in the wings, awaiting its cue?  Looks like January 2013 will tell the tale.


Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

Poor DD his REIGN as DICTATOR of Berkeley County is about to end... he is NOT happy about losing all that POWER and MONEY... boo hoo... Danny Boy RICHLY deserves to be taken down from his throne.

Anonymous said...

What a "blunder"! I suggest that the local Voter Registration Office supervisor and the Berkeley County Voter Registration (Election Commission) Commissioners invite SLED and the SC Attorney General to investigate what DD has committed! From my knowledge of the conduct of such a suit, Mr. DD has absolutely NO (legal) authority to involve himself in case! In fact, he and possibly others have committed political "malpractice" and should be punished to the extent of "removal" from public office! How great would that be? We get two for one! DD, looks like you had better make arrangement for a personal attorney!

Anonymous said...

The election commission should pass out a check-list of what is required and when. Seems as though we are splitting hairs. It would be only fair that all candidates including the incumbents should have to jump through the same hoops as the new comers to get on the ballot. If the SC Ethics Commission
doesn't have a problem with Mr. Gunn's paperwork why should anyone else. With the rapidity in which the case was dismissed, the Judge must have viewed the case as BS.

Anonymous said...

Splitting hairs - What DD has done is far more serious than "splitting hairs'! It has to be impossible and illegal for DD, County Supervisor and County Council Chairman, to intervene and usurp the "authority" of the Berkeley County Voter Registration Office and Commissioners on behalf of a Council Members' decision to file a suit against that Office! In addition, probably direct an attorney as to how HE (DD) wants the outcome! I think you are right in stating that the Judge viewed the case as BS! What is serious is that the credibility of our election process in Berkeley County is at stake! He needs to pay severly!

Anonymous said...

From the evidence thus far, it's my opinion that DD has committed a "conspiracy", through his chosen attorney, to politically influence a Judge and "obstruction of justice" by inappropriately, without authority, inserting himself into a personal suit that was "none of his business"! Hopefully, when the investigations are completed, we can say "good-bye" to Mr. DD!

Anonymous said...

I guess good ole Bob is going away without a Supreme Court hearing.

Nosy Woman from Cross said...

Not at this moment.

Anonymous said...

All too quite. Either nothing is happening or the roof is fix'n to fall like a ton of bricks.

Anonymous said...

Rumor _ Mr. Schurlknight will run for county supervisor in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Schurlknight is NO different than Dan Davis! We can and WILL do far better! DD and Schurlknight are BOTH totally incompetent! Why would I say that, easy, look at the minutes of Council meetings and Council votes as they relate to key issues, such as, the 29% Property Tax, Stormwater Management, Financial items, and many others!

Anonymous said...

When is the next council election so we can all vote to elect a new supervisor, other than Dan Davis and his sidekick? It is very important to a whole lot of people and are having trouble finding this info out.Really need someone to look out for the citizens and employees of our growing county.