Thursday, January 5, 2012


In case you missed the notice in the P&C, Elliott Summey is holding a presser tomorrow to announce that he is switching political parties. His epiphany has been almost biblical in proportion. As of tomorrow, he will have suddenly transformed from a long-time Liberal Democrat into a Conservative Republican. That road to Damascus is well traveled. If there is any doubt in your mind that this move comes as a "complete surprise" to everyone, please recheck GE&P's post from 7/21/2011.

Here's some more food for thought that could NEVER happen:

Ken Ard resigns. (for the good of the party)

Larry Grooms is offered that position. (He jumps at it, solving Glenn's problem with the "back row boys")

Young Elliot can, then, run for Larry's seat. (Everybody's happy, right?)

Well, there may be a few flies in this ointment. You can take it to the bank that Glenn hasn't thought this plan through to all the "possible" ends. It is way too early for GE&P to let all the cats out of this bag but you can take it to the bank that there will be more to this story.


If our elected officials spent as much time, thought, and energy on solving the Country's, State's, and Counties' problems as they do in promoting there own self interests and aggrandizing their political security, we would all be in much better shape.

Don't you just love politics?

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