Saturday, August 13, 2011


GE&P attended the "Redistricting Forum" at Council Chambers on Saturday morning. The meeting was sponsored by the Berkeley County Chapter of the South Carolina Coalition for Voters' Participation. We were greeted at the door by the President of the group, Ms. Madelin Gibson- Guy.

There were several BC elected officials in attendance, Supervisor, Dan Davis, Councilmen, Pinckney, Schurlknight, and Davis and School Board member, Moore. State Rep. Joe Jefferson was introduced as an organizer of the event. Mr. Jefferson was the first to speak and briefly explained the redistricting process and, then, went on to inform the assemblage about the new Voter ID Law. It was unfortunate that Mr. Jefferson's explanation left the audience with the impression that, according to the new Law, a birth certificate would be necessary in order for a person to vote. Understandably so, this information was very distressing to many. Thankfully, Mrs. Nancy Corbin came to the rescue and explained that simply presenting a driver's license was all that was required. Upon hearing this, the crowd seemed relieved and more comfortable with the new Law.

Several people in the audience had questions on other topics and a very interesting and lively discussion ensued. Everyone who wished to voice an opinion or ask a question was given full latitude. Ms. Gibson-Guy oversaw the meeting with grace and expertise. GE&P commends her for her efforts.

By now, you have concluded there has to be a "BUT". And, you would be correct.

GE&P asked Mr. Pinckney why he was satisfied with District 7 having a deficit of 800 citizens instead of having its full compliment of 1/8th of the total BC population as the redistricting guidelines indicate. Mr. Pinckney would not discuss his reasoning on the matter. He would only parrot the worn talking point, "The District needs equity". Well, GE&P doesn't know what that means. Mr. Pinckney said the District may even lose more people(?), if he has his way.

GE&P made every effort to explain to Mr. Pinckney that we are no longer living in the 1930s. We get our proof from the fact that Congressional District 1, which is 80% White, just elected a Black man to the House of Representatives and the State of SC just elected a female of ethnic background to our highest office. Mr. Pinckney's reply to our statement, "You're bringing politics into this discussion".

Well, Mr. Pinckney, if you will, please allow GE&P to bring a few more pertinent facts to this discussion. The Voting Rights Act and the Rules and Regulations of the DOJ are in place to assure that minorities have a "fair opportunity" to achieve elected office. When it comes to redistricting, even the VRA and the DOJ will not allow "race" to be the "only factor" supporting a proposed plan. Race can be "a factor" but not the sole reason. Judging from the results of the SC 2010 elections, race doesn't seem to be a factor at all. AND, there is no protection in any of the guidelines to assure the election of a particular political party and, certainly, no provisions to guarantee the re-election of incumbents.

Mr. Pinckney is playing a very risky game with his gerrymandered redistricting plan and, more importantly, his attitude in general. He is attempting to pitt BC citizen against BC citizen for his own benefit. GE&P is realistic enough to admit that there are racists and bigots, both Black and White, living in BC and elsewhere, BUT, Thank God, their numbers are few. We firmly believe, from what we witness on a daily basis and from the meeting Saturday, the vast majority of people of every color who live in BC are good, moral people who respect their neighbors. And more than a few of this number are sick to their very souls of the race-baiting perpetrated by politicians and "leaders" who can't seem to acknowledge that a new social reality has developed. Here in BC, we will no longer accept being referred to as "the White Community" or "the Black Community". We are the "BC Community", the "SC Community", and the "Community of the United Staes of America". PERIOD.

NOTE: It would "behove" Mr. Pinckney to do some research on the former rulings of the DOJ on this subject. Historically, there are cases where one single letter of complaint has caused a redistricting plan to be rejected.

Now, did you really think this post would conclude without a report of a conflict between GE&P and our esteemed leader, Supervisor Davis? Silly you.

A gentleman in the audience asked Supervisor Davis about the possibility of getting a waterline on Hwy. 59. Everyone on the first row almost fell off their chairs when Mr. Davis told the gentleman that water lines to the entire county were not "economically feasible". Mr. Davis made this statement knowing he had allowed a $2.4 MILLION waterline (servicing less than 10 households) to be installed on Hwy. 311 solely to secure Mr. Pinckney's supporting vote on County Council. GE&P interpreted Mr. Davis' statement as waving a red flag in the face of a raging bull. GE&P took the opportunity to briefly refer to this reckless spending.

In rebuttal, Mr. Davis pointed out that "no taxpayer dollars were spent on the Hwy. 311 waterline". Mr. Davis stated that every dollar had come from "fees" paid to BCW&SA by customers. GE&P would like to thank Mr. Davis for this clarification and we would like to pass along a detailed explanation to the taxpayers of BC.

The activities of BCW&SA are funded by Customer Fees for service and Impact Fees charged to new construction. These Impact Fees are passed along to buyers of the houses or products of these businesses. So, here it is simply put. When you pay your "taxes" to BC government, you take the money from your right pocket. When you pay your "fees" to BC government, you take the money from your left pocket.

As you can see, these are two totally different situations. We hope everyone understands. If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Davis.


Anonymous said...

GE&P, another outstanding reporting to our deserving citizens!! Even though the meeting was adverstised as a Redistricting Forum, maybe they spent 15 minutes on that topic! Most of the meeting was about the new Voter ID requirement! Only a couple of the seven items listed on the criteria sheet presented at the Redistricting Workshop were mentioned by the panel! It was obvious that the PANEL was not expecting the questions they received and did NOT have appropriate anwers! Another example of their manipulative method for preparation of the County Redistricting Plan that we need to include in our letters to the Department of Justice!! I am very doubtful that their plan is going to fly! If they give Mr. Bowers the evidence of what they have said and done thus far, I think he too would tell them they are likely to have their plan returned as disapproved!!

Anonymous said...

O what a wonderful idea, sending letters of complaint to DOJ. This would be little "taste of your own medicine". I love it!

Thank you for keeping us in the know.

Anonymous said...

I attended this meeting and was first of all impressed by the invocation. One of the items that was asked in prayer is to "Keep this County whole". This was echoed later by every elected member whilst they gave their speech. All the while I was thinking, you say you want to unite this county but by your actions of redistricting, you segregate the districts and precincts by race. While the US Census shows multiple ethnic groups living in BC only Black and White was considered in new lines. This facade is to pacify the ignorant and not give equality to the people of BC or at least further BC to become united.
I find it extremely disturbing that we live a federally mandated Jim Crow State. Mandated segregation by the Federal Government to the State of SC is in direct violation of the 10th Amendment. We will need Leadership in the State Capitol to affirm our Right as a State and do away with this Racist Policy.