Sunday, January 23, 2011


GE&P is predicting that the County Council meeting tomorrow night has the potential to turn into a real Chinese fire drill. Consider this scenario if you will.

The committees now have only five members each. The agenda for tomorrow night's meeting notes an Executive Session for the Finance Committee. None of the four Conservative members of County Council sits on that committee. If that committee holds an Executive session, only seated members of that committee and possibly lawyers will be able to attend. You can't attend and we can't attend. Also, the Rules state that, outside of the meeting, no one can discuss items covered during this Executive session.

Here's the question: How can all eight members of County Council vote on an issue covered in Executive Session if only four members know any of the facts of the issue discussed? We know Mr. Davis will counter by saying Mr. Fish was asked to sit on the Finance Committee and declined. That is true. But, even if Mr. Fish did sit on that Committee, how would that solve the problem for the other three Conservative Council members?

We expect Mr. Davis to break the Rules yet again and invite the non-committee members to attend this Executive Session. Would we be out of line to suggest that our four Conservative Council members will probably not agree to voluntarily break the Rules?

It would appear that Mr. Davis' new and improved Rules are working well so far.


Anonymous said...

Dan Davis feels he is totally in charge of the ball game! He is on ALL the bases!! Also, he sets up the games so that he will always score the winning run(s)!! But, we are closer to making him play fair!!

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

The Democrats along with the GANG of Rhino's will do whatever they please... and the sooner we shut up and go home the better they will like it. Sad, sad day for Berkeley County... time to get to work to make sure Bob Call does NOT get elected in 2012.