GE&P has long contended that our Berkeley County Council is equally divided by a vote of 4 Republicans and 4 Democrats, with a tie-breaker vote cast by yet another Democrat. Because of this, many tax and spend policies have been adopted. This brings us to several exchanges via email and Face Book to which GE&P has become privy. In these exchanges, GE&P is viciously criticized for circulating false rumors. One of the so called "false" rumors is that County Councilman, Bob Call is, in fact, a Democrat. Mr. Call has been quoted as saying, "I was a Republican before Timmy (Tim Callanan) was even born."
In support of our contention, GE&P would encourage our readers to go to SCVOTES.ORG.
Search for Berkeley County Votes Cast In General Election Held in South Carolina November 6, 1984. Scroll to the County Council, District 3 race results. There you will find the candidates who ran and the vote count. You will see that Mr. Cox, Republican ran against Mr. Robert Call, Democrat and the Democrat, Mr. Call, lost the race 2 to 1.
Mr. Call suffered this resounding defeat when he ran as a member of the party whose platform he truly supported because the voters of his district, even today, wouldn't elect a Democrat as dogcatcher. Consequently, the next election cycle, Mr. Call ran again for the same seat but, this time, simply substituted the "D" behind his name with an "R" and was successful. See how easy it is?
GE&P does not recognize a true Republican by the letter behind the name. We recognize them by their actions and that would not include following the Democrats with their tax and spend policies. Case closed.
I've had a running email conversation with Councilman Call recently. When asked about the proposed change in County Council structure to eliminate committees, Mr. Call's stunning response was "it's none of your business". How the county is run by the leaders we elect and pay with our tax money is precisely our business.
I wonder how many on Council would have voted for this proposal in the previous Supervisor's term of office.
Democrat comments on Tea Party
Steny Hoyer (US House Majority Leader): poisonous to our future
Jack Schurlknight (Berkeley County Council): impede progress and will be a PROBLEM in the future.
“Former” Democrat Bob Call (Berkeley County Council): Publicly refers to Tea Party Activists as “Teabaggers” twice in the past 2 weeks.
Call Them and Let them know how YOU feel!
Call, like Davis, ran for office for personal gain and that of a few supporters. Generally, their motives are not to do the right thing or make decisions in the interest of the citizens of Berkeley County. They have no concept of what "conservative" management of County resources mean. I doubt that they have ever read and understand the State or National Republican Party Rules and Platform, yet, they use and abuse the GOP name! We need a system that disallows this use and abuse for the sake of the "citizens"!
At least Steve Davis and Caldwell Pinckney have the backbone to admit and run as Democrats. Even though Bob Call, Jack Schurlknight and Dan Davis are hopelessly Liberal they are spineless and are afraid to run as Democrats. They need to grow a pair and admit what we all know.
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