The meeting began with the usual 20+ minute monolog by Mr. Davis. Once again, Mr. Davis made the false statement that his administration presided over the first balanced budget in BC in 16 years. Note to Mr. Davis and his crack finance team: When the last number on your spread sheet is in the minus, you are running a deficit.
Mr. Davis stressed that the State had cut funding to BC. He explained how many County positions had been eliminated through attrition and that there had not been any layoffs. Then, he mentioned, in passing, that many Counties had adopted a process of rolling blackouts for the EMS in order to stay within budget. GE&P advises that you pay close attention to obscure little remarks like this one. It could be a precursor to the old "OMG, if we don't raise taxes, we'll have to close the Washington Monument" tactic. Stay alert.
Even though the number of folks in attendance was small, the questioning was active and to the point. This is by no means to imply that these questions were answered. The overall impression voiced to GE&P by attendees was that they ended up with more questions than answers.
One taxpayer indicated he was happy that the Carolina Nursery property deal had fallen through. He questioned Mr. Davis as to the value of even considering incurring more debt when the County was facing such an uncertain economic future. Mr. Davis stated the purchase would not have cost the taxpayers anything as he intended to pay the $14-$16 million cost with the FILOT (fee in lieu of taxes) from county businesses. We all need to remember, this FILOT is the same funding that was supposed to be paid to the School System. (Mr. Davis simply took these funds from the schools earlier in the year.)
As a followup, one person asked for a ballpark figure as to how much the State had cut funding in the last year. This person couldn't get an answer even though the Supervisor, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and the Director of the Finance Department were all present. GE&P would think that such an important figure that was affecting the County's finances so negatively would be right on the tip of their collecting tongue. Not so, in this case.
As would be expected, GE&P has a few questions of our own.
Since Mr. Davis took office, he has appropriated 29% of our property tax relief from the LOST.
Mr. Davis has raised our water and sewer rates by 30%.
Mr. Davis has burdened us with another 1 cent LOST. (Local Option Sales Tax)
Mr. Davis has "borrowed" $10 Million from W&S's fund balance
Mr. Davis has "redirected" much of the FILOT (Fee In Lieu of Taxes) funds away from the School System and into the general fund.
Mr. Davis failed to make the customary adjustment to the millage rate after reassessment, which resulted in even higher property taxes.
Mr. Davis attempted to get BC into the real estate speculation business with his plan to purchase the Carolina Nursery property.
Now, we find that Mr. Davis has signed a purchase agreement for BC to buy 16 acres of land (old fairgrounds) to build his "Dan Davis Health and Human Services Campus" at a cost to the taxpayers of $20+ Million. This purposed facility won't even house County agencies. It will house DSS, Head Start, and DEHEC.
Also, part of his grand plan is to refurbish the old hospital building to house a new "Dan Davis Judicial Center".
When we add the cost for these "necessary" projects to the money needed for a new library for Hanahan, the purchase and renovation of the Food Lion Property, the Berkeley Senior's facility in Moncks Corner, a new and improved Emergency Operations building (to the tune of $9 Million), and a new Courthouse in St Stephens (to guarantee Steve Davis' future support on Council) to the numerous other projected "investments" envisioned by Mr. Davis, the price tag comes to over $54 Million. Even when we combine our LOST revenue through 2014 with yet another $10 Million bond that has already been floated in our names, completion of these projects still requires an additional $15 1/2 Million.
Question 1.
Where do you think Mr. Davis will "find" this shortfall?
Question 2.
When we add the additional revenues listed above to the existing sources of revenue the County already enjoys, Fines, Forfeitures, and Fees, Licenses and Permits, Interest income, State and Federal funding, Existing property taxes, Interfund Transfers, and the ever so popular Miscellaneous Income, where the hell is all the money going?
Question 3.
If the County is in such financial straights, why would we be involved in all this new unnecessary spending?
Question 4.
Could the fact that the 4 Conservative Republican members of Council are assured to oppose this reckless spending be the catalyst for Mr. Davis' desire to change Council Rules? (More on this topic tomorrow)
GE&P and countless other taxpayers of BC are totally confused by many of Mr. Davis' positions. Out of one side of his mouth he says how financially strapped the County is becoming. Then, at the same time, he proposes borrowing and spending clear to the horizon. In our humble opinion, the spending needs to stop so we can get our financial house in order in preparation for the leaner times yet to come.
I wish everyone in Berkeley County would read this blog. They might start learning some things that are happening in the county. There are many questions that need to be asked and answered. I tried to ask a question at the sample workshop that Dan Davis conducted a couple of weeks ago. This is to be the type of meeting that he wants to have instead of having committee meetings with county council members as committee chairmen. He wants to do away with committees and just have workshops. I wanted to ask the question "when in the workshop type of meetings do citizens have an opportunity to ask questions?" I was told at the workshop that I couldn't ask a question. Since he didn't call the meeting to order he didn't have to take questions. That I could submit a written question. As to when this written question would be answered was not given. So, I assume that since I couldn't ask a question that night, that citizens wouldn't be allowed to ask a question at the workshops.
I attended a Goose Creek City Council meeting this past Tuesday and was amazed at the difference in how the meeting was conducted in comparison to the County Council meeting. The Mayor encouraged citizens to ask questions. There was a hot topic in regard to rezoning the Crowfield Golf Course. Not once did the Mayor try to shut the citizens down and not allow them to ask questions. He was interested in what the people had to say. He said that he learned things that he didn't know. Thank you Mayor Heitzler.
Our school boards, city councils, county councils, the State of South Carolina and other state governments and the Federal Government best realize that "We the People" are awake now and are paying attention to what they are doing and will be questioning with boldness things that don't seem right to us. We have each other to support us and we are not giving up. This past election was only the beginning. The voting this past week at the national level shows that some elected officials realize that we expect them to listen to the people.
Mr. Davis when are you going to listen to the people?
When you begin to look at the totality of Dan Davis' spending propensity it begs the question of his claim of a balanced budget. In fact Mr Davis made this absurd notion again at the Cainhoy Community meeting Thursday. He said this was the "first balanced budget in 16 years". Saying and doing are two different things. Writing a proposed budget that does not spend more than projected income is "balanced" The proof is at the end of the year and looking at the fund balance.
In most Of Rozier's years the fund balance either stayed the same or went up. A few of those 16 years it went down for an overall record of strong fiscal discipline.
During Mr Davis first term the fund balance dipped so critically that Council borrowed the 10 million from Water & Sewer to pay off Santee Cooper and TO REPLENISH THE FUND BALANCE. I dare say that the budget was not in balance even if it looked good on paper.
Another claim Davis makes is paying off debt. He may have stopped the lease purchase method of funding equipment but I submit the total debt the County owns has not been reduced. When you add up the Bonds he has generated and the loan from W/S I don't see how he has reduced our debt.
On lighter note I would suggest Mr Davis stop using campaign BS from his first election. He owns the last 4 years of "this is the first balanced budget in 16 years".
Very well done GE&P!! Again, you have given Council members some excellent questions and concerns that if they were the least bit concern about their constituents they would conduct a detailed investigation to get an accurate picture of the County finances released to the public. Unfortunately, based on a private audit firm results released earlier this year, the County has very "poor record keeeping"!! There is no evidence that the County has initiated any corrective action!! Advice to citizens, you MUST come to these meetings and show your concerns for the wrong direction that Dan Davis and four Council members are taking us!! Since you may NOT be given the opportunity to speak, suggest you telephone and/or email your representative and make your feelings known!!!
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