Normally, GE&P would not waste one drop of ink on such disgusting, salacious behavior, but as usual, there's more to the story.
It seems this unfortunate revelation didn't just happen yesterday. The blow-up happened some months ago and the elected official paid off the offended spouse to keep quiet until after the Nov. 2nd election. Isn't that sweet?
GE&P has established a firm position on this issue: The original bad behavior falls far beneath the moral and ethical standards of the majority of Berkeley County voters. But more importantly, for this official to deliberately pull the wool over the eyes of these same voters by promising to 'sweeten the pot' with the divorce settlement if the spouse remained silent until after the election, goes beyond the pale. This level of manipulation and deceit has no place in Berkeley County.
"If your spouse cannot trust you, why should the taxpayers?"
Surprise, suprise!! DD can't be trusted!! Seems like I have heard that term "trust" before uttered by none other than DD!! People have been terminated/fired for lack of trust, if I recall!! Maybe we can hope that individual can be fired!! The County will be far better off!! Perhaps not, because the Ethics Commission and/or other authorities will not do anything!! I forgot, we have a permissive society!!
The postless worrier was all over Campbell's recent breakup with his girl friend. This issue involves a conflict of interest in spending the taxpayer's money but I'll bet money they don't print one word of this story.
We can only hope that we are able to see former supporters of DD like ronnie47 convert and win over the remaining 7,999 voters!! I am working hard to get the media to put this out to the citizens!
GE&P is faced with a unique problem with numerous comments received to this post. We have always promised to post all comments unless they contain profanity or liable. To make a long story short, some of your comments pushed the envelope a bit. We are all adults here and we know all the words to describe the bad behavior reported in this story BUT we really don't need to have them repeated in the comments. We don't disagree with your sentiments, just your choice of words. If your comment is missing, try rewording it, leaving out the most offensive wording, and resubmit. Thanks
Ms. Riney,
Wow. I never realized how low you would stoop until now.
We the people have been granted a powerful right in our freedom of speech. However, it is hateful little people like you who have nothing better to do in their lives but to go around spreading blatant falsities that bring out the worst criticisms to this sacred freedom.
Do you know how I know you are spreading lies with this trash? It is not because your lips are moving, but rather, because you refuse to publish any names associated with your "post." I'm sure that you will retort with some claim of trying to protect the parties involved or spare them any more embarrassment. However, you and I know that you will not name any names in this post because of your risk for being sued for libel. Only the truth can be a defense to such a claim and you don't have that on your side. If you did there would be nothing to stop you from clearly identifying for all of the citizens of Berkeley County, just who it is exactly that you are referring to.
Linda, if things are as you say they are, and a complaint for diviorce has been filed, I challenge you to present the case number and where this divorce has been initiated to substantiate your statements.Because both of these things would be public records you should have no issues in fulfilling this request. However, I will not hold my breath in receiving such a bold and honest responce from you as I am very confident you do not possess the ability for such a thing.
OMG! Looks like we inadvertently "outed" anonymous, too. By the way, if this "anonymous" is so big on full disclosure, why did he not sign HIS name?
Instead of playing the spin game, why don't you actually try and address some of the issues in anonymous' reply. Your lack of a direct response just goes to prove his point if it is indeed a "him" who is challenging to you.
The last "anonymous" indicating that Ms. Riney refused to post the names of the people making comments, should know, if they had ANY clue, that the people who commented did so in the same fashion as this individual did. And, if she were able to determine the identity of these people, she would also be able to determine the identity of this person - "What a Fool" ! If things were the way this person leads you to believe, don't you think she would have told the identity of this individual? duh
It amazes me how people are so unconcerned with the mismanagement of our County funds, and that whatever County Council decides is the "Gospel". Have any of you looked at your tax bills? Or even taken notice of how "Peter is being robbed to pay Paul"? We're going around in circles at our expense. Yes our Supervisor shares in the expense as we do - only, he has the power to give himself a raise, again at our expense. WAKE UP BERKELEY COUNTY !
Do as I do, get the facts by attending Council meetings, using Freedom of Information Requests, talking with Council members, communicating with South Carolina agencies such as Ethics Commission, Department of Commerce, Department of Revenue, FBI, South Carolina Election Commission, Department of Labor, and others!! I know first hand what Dan Davis is and IT IS NOT CAPABLE COUNTY SUPERVISOR!! I am sorry for us that 7,999 voters still think he is the man for the job!! As one commented, check your tax bill !!!!
Are you kidding me? This is not about budgets or fictitious raises!
It is one thing to not agree with someone's political belief or to disagree with their fiscal policy. But it is a completely different situation altogether when someone attacks an elected official and their family personally. There was nothing political about this article that was posted. This was hate, pure and simple. And because it was completely unfounded Ms. Riney refuses to respond in her defense by naming the elected official involved or providing actual facts to support her post. I guess if you can't beat someone in a political race then it is perfectly acceptable to slander their character by stating that they have been unfaithful to their spouse. Shame on you Ms. Riney for publishing this garbage and stooping yourself to such a level! I hope all of your readers will know now just how much of a liar you really are and will equally dismiss all of your other ranting and ravings.
it sounds like to me after reading anonymous's post that whoever this home-wrecker is that was caught "red-handed" with the Berkeley County elected official may have a history of this sort of behavior with other married elected officials. I may be wrong and reading into his comment too much but that is the impression I get.
GE&P originally hesitated to publish this post as we knew that several elected officials might mistakenly think the post is about them but we took a shot anyhow. From some of the comments received (some not posted) our first thought was way more correct than we could have dreamed. HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE? (Beside, of course, the ones who 90% of the county already know about)
I would imagine that "red" has incriminating evidence on all her conquests. Audio, video, cards, letters, email, texts, and voice mail all leave one vulnerable when one is doing things one should not.
Those who may have participated should be nervous. LMAO
Still no naming of names? Nope. Just more spin and deflection.
You are a liar and you know it. Either name names and defend yourself with the truth or publicly apologize for being no better than market checkout tabloids.
One piece of advice to the doubting Thomas: Check the divorce filings and then comment.
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