Friday, September 24, 2010


Exhibiting proper manners is usually a very good thing. Demonstrating professional behavior and decorum is, also, admirable. Attempting to avoid embarrassing your adversaries and maintaining civility in the public forum should usually be pursued. BUT, there are exceptions to these rules of behavior. If one is walking down a street at night and a thug jumps out of the dark and falls upon you, all bets are off and you must fight for your very life. That is exactly the position in which the BC School System finds itself on the issue of funding.

The facts are simple. For many years there was an agreement between BC Government and the BC School System as to the division of the Fee In Lieu of Tax funds. Now, Supervisor Dan Davis has decided he wants, and fully intends to take, a larger share of these funds to finance his agenda items. There is a myriad of smaller periphery issues connected to the main issue but this is the crux of the disagreement.


Anonymous said...

Exactly, total greed and irresponsibility on the part of our so called county leader!! His ignorance is leading us beyond recovery with the help of four BC Councilmen!! Unfortunately, due to their ignorance, that's what some of the citizens wanted!!

Anonymous said...

It's a despicable lie. Dan Davis has proposed a plan to put all the industrial park money into one pot and give the SB a larger share than ever before…keeping only enough to finance industrial development projects. Unless Riney apologizes for this I will try to influence my friend, Dan Davis, to drop the plan. Screwballs like Riney are going t screw up the School Board's deal.

Anonymous said...

Please furnish evidence of an agreement that Berkeley County Government has had "an agreement between BC Government and the BC School System as to the division of the Fee in Lieu of Tax Funds". It would seem the SB would have evidence of such an important agreement. What Parker wants is the BC Govt. to fabricate one. "Truth by Repetition" No facts...just the fibs ma'am.

Nosy Woman from Cross said...

OMG!!!!!! Crazy BOB found us, Girls. Run for the meds.

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Bob Call who originally ran for council as a Democrat, lost and then ran as a "Rebublican" 4 years later. Is that the one who admitted to a P&C reporter that he referred to the 2 black members of council using the "N-word". that was cought wondering aimlessly by police in Goose Creek 4 years ago in the middle of the night.
He sounds unstable.

Anonymous said...

Just got my tax bill and see under Approved by Berkeley County Council:
Cypress Gardens Tax $11.05 last year $0.00 - When did they slip
that one in?