Sunday, July 4, 2010


More than a few of you were upset and appalled when you learned that Supervisor Davis had, yet again, made a contradictory statement that went unchallenged by the media. The incident to which we refer is Mr. Davis' two different and distinct explanations as to why he missed the June 14th County Council meeting.

At the meeting itself and in a P&C article the next day, it was stated Mr. Davis had missed the meeting "due to a death in the family". However, during an interview on WTMA a few days later, Mr. Davis said he missed the meeting because he went to a campaign strategy meeting. Amazingly, after being repeatedly informed of this contradiction, several members of the media did follow up with Mr. Davis for a clarification.

Hold onto your seats because this one is going right out of the park.

Mr. Davis had a perfectly understandable and acceptable explanation as to why some people perceived his statements as contradictory. This is the way it happened. Mr. Davis had this long time friend at the flea market who had been very ill and this friend and Mr. Davis were so close that he/she seemed like family and this friend was supposed to die on Monday so, of course, Mr. Davis knew he would be unable to go to the Council meeting BUT the person didn't die as scheduled after all so, being as he had already planned not to go to the Council meeting, Mr. Davis just decided to go to the campaign strategy meeting instead.

Well now, that clears everything up. GE&P has no problem with that explanation and we believe this account completely as we are certain do you. We are confident that the fact that Mr. Schurlknight was out of town that night and would not be at the meeting to provide Mr. Davis with his critical "fourth vote" to tie up any controversial issues that might arise, had nothing to do with Mr. Davis' absence.

It is so reassuring to know that we taxpayers can always depend on our leadership to illuminate any misgivings or misunderstandings we may have with our County government. We don't know about you but after this clarification, we will sleep much better tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me a good laugh on the 4th. Looks like 8,000 voters swallowed it hook line and sinker. King Davis attended the Moncks Corner street dance Friday night. Why I don't know, as he has never been to one before.