Tuesday, June 15, 2010


GE&P is very flattered that so many of you are reading our humble offerings. Many have complained that we do not post often enough. Please allow us to explain a bit.

The facts and accounts presented here don't come knocking at our door. We have to get out and beat the bushes, dig through County records, and interview experts and the folks involved in every issue. All this takes an inordinate amount of time and effort. Sometimes it takes, literally, weeks to gather enough information to present an accurate, factual account of a situation. Unlike some of our critics who shoot from the hip and spout rumor, innuendo, and opinion, we insist on relaying only factual information. We, too, hear a lot of rumors. When we hear one that catches our attention, we go to work to either verify or debunk it.

As you all know, since the Primary, the air has been thick with all kind of stories. That means we have been extra busy. We will attempt to bring you up to date on the biggest issues.

Unless you have been hiding under a bushel, you know there will be a run-off for County Supervisor. Henry Brown and Dan Davis were tied in the number of votes each received on June 8th. But, there is a wild card, Minnie Blackwell, the third candidate. She received about 20% of the vote and she has thrown her support and these votes behind Brown. She is giving interviews in support of Henry and actively participating with the Brown campaign for the run-off. Minnie Blackwell is a prime example of a person whose first priority is the welfare of BC. She is to be commended for her efforts.

True to form, the Davis campaign is attempting to create a straw dog in its attempt to discredit the Brown campaign. Davis contends Henry Brown is dishonest because he chose not to run, again, for the 1st District seat and chose, instead, to run for County Supervisor. Also, Mr. Davis is attempting to tie Mr. Brown to the activities of the present (Obama) administration in Washington. The final straw added to this dog is Mr. Davis' contention that, if elected Supervisor, Mr. Brown will reinstate the Rozier administration.

We interviewed Henry at length on these subjects. Henry said he had tired of the traveling and "felt the need to come back home". When his intention to leave Washington became public, he was approached by scores of BC citizens, each imploring him to consider a run for Supervisor. Each voiced the opinion that four more years of the Davis administration would be disastrous for BC. Each sited Mr. Davis' questionable handling of BC's finances and his dubious ethics and integrity. Mr. Brown loves BC and could not ignore the loud calls for him to continue to serve.

Mr. Brown pointed out what all informed people already know; the leadership and both houses in Washington are controlled by Democrats. The Republican minority, of which Mr. Brown is an active part, has virtually nothing to say about policy these days. For Mr. Davis to attempt to hang "Washington" around Mr. Brown's neck, depicts one of two things, ignorance or deceit. Considering Mr. Davis' record for veracity, GE&P opts for the later.

As to Mr. Rozier coming back to office in BC, we can assure everyone that is something that is not going to happen. Since leaving office almost four years ago, Mr. Rozier has operated his own consulting business. He works maybe two days a week and makes more money than he can count. He takes regular trips to destinations around the world. His time is his own and he doesn't have to contend with the stress and responsibility of running BC. Use your good sense and tell us, if you were in Mr. Rozier's position in the cat bird's seat, would you want to go back to a 9 to 5? Neither would we and neither does he. He is very happy where he is.

Mr. Davis is desperate. He will do anything and say anything to try to keep his position. It is up to you to do your homework and verify the validity of the words you read here. You will find they are all true. Then you will go to the polls on June 22nd and elect Henry Brown, Supervisor.


Unknown said...


Nosy Woman from Cross said...

That's rubbish.

Anonymous said...

Comment to B. I have heard this crap from several Davis supporters and I can tell you from my own personal conversations with at least four of Roziers top people, they are done with working for the County. Too little pay for really qualified people and no job security when someone like Davis gets elected in the next election cycle.

Another Davis LIE in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

B said, give us their names and we can get you an answer if you are not capable of getting the straight info yourself!! Besides, some of the former administration would be, by far, much more beneficial in putting the County back in the right direction than any administrator hired by Dan Davis. Examples, replace Colin Martin, the Deputy Supervisor, Director of Economic Development, and others!

Anonymous said...

nosy-- I do not think Jim Rozier's return in some capacity would be a bad thing. However if Mr. Brown decide to bring back the former BCWS director Mr. Mark Hein that would be a disaster. I know for a fact if Mr. Brown would go on public record himself saying he was not going to bring back that DICTATOR he would gain 50-60 votes at BCWS.