Sunday, March 1, 2009


Berkeley County Republicans will be thrilled to learn that reorganization is going along swimmingly. There was an Executive Committee meeting held on February 16, 2009. The purpose of this meeting was to explain reorganization to the new people, set dates for the precinct reorganization and make-up meetings, and to distribute the precinct packets to those who wished to organize their precincts.

Well, several weevils appeared in the cornmeal even before the meeting could be completed. The first oddity was the vote conducted by "the dark side" to set the reorganization meeting on March 5, 2009, which is a Thursday instead of the customary Tuesday. Next, the make-up meeting was set for March 19, 2009, two weeks after the initial meeting instead of the customary one week.

Then, the fun really began. There were several people who attended the meeting to pick up packets for previously unorganized precincts. These folks presented their voter registration cards to prove they were legitimate members of their precinct clubs. At this point, Wayland Moody informed them they could not have their packets. When GE&P asked why, he said the chairman had to take care of unorganized precincts. As it turned out, there was no malace intended. There had been a simple failure to communicate. When a large number of attendees learned that some people were being refused receipt of their packets and approached Mr. Moody to question his determination, Mr. Moody informed the crowd that he had simply misunderstood the request. It seemed, according to Mr. Moody, that he didn't realize that these people were members of the precincts for which they were requesting packets. (voter registration cards?)

According to Mr. Moody, the only remaining problem was that the packets being requested were not there at the meeting. Then the chairman, Mr. Arnette , came to the rescue and announced that the remaining packets were in the trunk of his car out in the parking lot. Mr. Moody questioned the validity of this contention. Oblivious to the winks and nods, Mr Arnette went to his car and returned with the packets. Our question here would be, "How did Mr. Arnette determine which packets to bring into the meeting and which ones to leave in the trunk of his car?" We digress.

We can assure the reader that everyone involved in this exchange saw this situation for what it was.......simply a failure to communicate. Judging from past history, no one would dare suspect any duplicity.

From "Wisdom Of The Ages"
"When one anticipates encountering a situation where laws and rules are likely to be ignored, bring with one a large crowd of tall, angry men to back one up."

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